
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от Heeeeyyyy

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5. (A, The) day before yesterday I went for an interview with a film (company, campaign). (A, The) job
sounded (interested, interesting) and (there, it) wasn't (bad, badly) paid (too, either). I was (terrible,
terribly) nervous. I (dressed, wore) my brown velvet suit (even, ever) though my black boots didn't (go,
suit) with it very (good, well). I even decided (to spend, waste) some money and (went, came) to (the, -)
The interview was (in, on) a (large, big) building near Piccadilly. I (talked, told) to (a, the) head of the
publicity department. It was (quite, quiet) an informal interview and very (pleasant, pleasantly). The boss
kept (say, saying) they (want, wanted) someone really (neat, neatly) and efficient (as, so) the publicity
department was very (big, great) and very important.
6.1 have been (waiting, waited) a long time for January and (it's, its) frosts (to begin, begin). And they are
here at (last least)! Now, thanks heavens, I (can, will be able) to curl up in front of (a, the) fire and (relax,
recreate). I'll (look, see) out of the window at the beautiful frost (covered, covering) every (blade, blades)
of grass on (my, mine) precious lawn, and I'll think with (great, large) satisfaction that (it, there) is
absolutely nothing I (can, need) work at in the garden till the frost (will lift, lifts). Don't misunderstand
me. I love my garden. I'm (English, the English} after (all, everything). (Since, For) years I (have, was)
lived gardenless (in, on) a London flat but I (have longed, longed) for a garden so (many, much)! Now
that I've got (one, the one) I (adore, have adored) it!

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан nunny
    5. (The) day before yesterday I went for an interview with a film (company). (The) job sounded (interesting) and (it) wasn't (bad) paid (too). I was (terribly) nervous. I (wore) my brown velvet suit (even) though my black boots didn't (go) with it very (well). I even decided (to spend) some money and (went) to (the) hairdresser's.
    The interview was (in) a (large) building near Piccadilly. I (talked) to (the) head of the publicity department. It was (quite) an informal interview and very (pleasant). The boss kept (saying) they (wanted) someone really (neat) and efficient (as) the publicity department was very (big) and very important.
    6.1 have been (waiting) a long time for January and (its) frosts (to begin, begin). And they are here at (last)! Now, thanks heavens, I (will be able) to curl up in front of (the) fire and (relax). I'll (look) out of the window at the beautiful frost (covering) every (blade) of grass on (my) precious lawn, and I'll think with (great) satisfaction that (there) is absolutely nothing I (can) work at in the garden till the frost (lifts). Don't misunderstand me. I love my garden. I'm (English} after (all). (For) years I (have) lived gardenless (in) a London flat but I (have longed) for a garden so (much)! Now that I've got (one) I (adore) it!

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