
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от vishvua

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  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан kudisani99p6wz4j
    1) Are you studying English at the moment?
    Yes, I'm working hard.
    2) Are they listening to the radio?
    No, they are playing CD's.
    3) Is Peter washing now?
    Yes, he is having a bath.
    4) Are they living in Madrid at the moment?
    Yes, they are learning Spanish.
    5) Is David singing in a group this year?
    No, he is working in a restaurant.

    1) V 2) X 3) X 4) V 5) V 6) V 7) V 8) X 9) X 10) X

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