
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от gulya781978

Open the brackets and use the verb in the correct tense form. Use the full forms (do not; is not etc) where necessary.
1) They (to decide) to join the club two weeks ago.
2) It’s 7 o’clock and Jane (to take) a shower.
3) Linda (to wash) the dishes at the moment.
4) He can’t speak foreign languages. He (not have) a talent for languages.
5) She looks beautiful today! She (to wear) a smart outfit!

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан FashionCATGirl
    1) They decided to join the club two weeks ago. 2) It's 7 o'clock and Jane taking a shower. 3) Linda wash the dishes at the moment. 4) He can't speak foreign languages. He haven't a talent for languages. 5) She looks beautiful today! She wearing a smart outfit!

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