
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от melnik02

Put the sentences into negative forms.
Example: He has already come.
                   He hasn't come yet.
1) Ann has just watered the flovers.
2) Mum has already gone to her work.
3) I have alreadu seen this film.
4) We have just taken the bus.
5) Bob has just entered the shop.
6) They have already read this book.
7) The children have made a present for their mother.

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан helperinenglish
    1) Ann hasn't  watered the flowers yet.
    2) Mum hasn't  gone to her work yet.
    3) I haven't  seen this film yet.
    4) We haven't taken the bus yet.
    5) Bob hasn't entered the shop yet.
    6) They haven't  read this book yet.
    7) The children haven't  made a present for their mother yet.
  2. Ответ
    Ответ дан ПростоЛёка
    В отрицательных предложениях в Perfect употребляем yet, который всегда ставим в конце предложения.
    1.Ann hasn't  watered the flowers yet.
    2.Mum hasn't gone to her work yet.
    3.I haven't seen this film yet.
    4.We haven't taken the bus yet.
    5.Bob hasn't entered the shop yet.
    6.They haven't read this book yet.
    7.The children haven't  made a present for their mother yet.

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