
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от EllisMe

Прошу помогите!!! Очень срочно надо!!
Choose the right answer and fill in the gaps.Write the or - (no article)
1) ... deepest lake in the world is ... .
a)... Lake Ontario; b)... Lake Volgo; c) ... Lake Baikal
2) ... warmest of the three is ... .
a) ... Black Sea; b) ... Red Sea; c) ... Caspian Sea
3) ...longest river in the world is ... .
a) ... Nile; b) ... Volga; c) ... Mississippi
4) ... largest ocean in the world is ... .
a) ... Atlantic Ocean; b) ... Pacific Ocean; c) ... Indian Ocean
5) ... highest mountains are ... .
a) ... Himalayas; b) ... Alps; c) ...Caucasus

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан luizkaf
    1) The deepest lake in the world is Lake Baikal
    2) The warmest of the three is еру Red Sea
    3) The longest river in the world is the Nile
    4) The largest ocean in the world is the Pacific Ocean
    5) The highest mountains are the Himalayas

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