
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от gabit8a

Write the verbs in the correct form
1If____more time,I____the basketball team.(havejoin)
2If you____every day,you_____quickly.(trainget fit)
3If I______near the sea,______windsurfing.(livetake up)
4If I_______a famous sports player,I'm sure I____shy.(meetfeed)
5If the tickets to the final match_____cheaper,I_____.(bego)
6If our school______more money,we______a new stadium.(havebuild)
7If you_____goggles in the pool,your eyes_____.(wearnot hurt)

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан kimtaee
    had, would join
    will train, will get fit
    lived, would take up
    met, would feel
    were, would go
    had, would build 
    weared, wouldn`t hurt

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