
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от abduarhud

A man in a blue jumper_ _ (write) letters.
A woman in a blue dress_ _ (carry) picnic things.
A man in a track suit _ _ (make) a phone call.
A boy in a white T-shirt ahd blue _ _ (stand) beside the lake.
A boy in blue shorts _ _ (hold) a ball.
A boy in a red T-shirt _ _ (feed) ducks.
A boy in pink trousers _ _ (draw) pictures.
A girl in a red skirt _ _ (eat) ice-cream.
A man and a woman _ _ (have) picnic.
A boy in a yellow shirt _ _ (hold) a red sailing boat.

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан PeterSchnoll
    1. Is writing
    2. Is carrying
    3. Is making
    4. Is standing
    5. Is holding
    6. Is feeding
    7. Is drawing
    8. Is eating
    9. Are having
    10. Is holding

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