
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от alina57

Complete the  following sentences with the words and phrases from  the list

captain        kick off        free kick/penalty        pitch          footballer    fouls    draw      soccer     score     opponents     coach            league       reague         referee   goal    fair

1/ playing correctly  is  called__________play 2/ a  federation  of football clubs  is called  a football___________3/ when  the teams  have  scored  the same number of goals we say its a__________4/ during the math  each  team tries  to_________ as many  goals  as possible 5/ the  beginning  of the math  is the___________6/ what  europeans call football americans  call 7/  the leader  of the  teams is the __________8/ unfair moves  are  called___________ 9/ when  a player  breaks  the  rules  the  other  team  may get a____________

10/ a man  who  enforces the  rules  during  a game  is the __________ 11/a man  in the________________is called  a goalkeeper 12/ when  you play  in a football team  you are  a________________ 13/ an instructor  of the  team is a___________14/the players  of the other  team are the____________.

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан peterswim

    1) Playing correctly is called fair play

    2) A federation of footbal clubs is called a football league

    3) When the teams have scored the same number of goals we say its a draw

    4)During the match each team tries to score as many goals as possible

    5)The beggining of the match is the kick off

    6)What europeans call football americans call soccer

    7)The leader of the teams is the captain

    8)Unfair moves are called fouls

    9)When a player breaks the rules the other team may get a free kick/penalty

    10)A man who enforces the rules during a game is the referee

    11)A man in the goal is called goalkeeper

    12)When you play in a football team you are a footballer

    13)An instructor of the team is coach

  2. Ответ
    Ответ дан ПростоЛёка


    1/ Playing correctly is called fair play. - Корректная игра называется справедливой игрой.

    2/ A federation of football clubs is called a football league. - Федерация футбольных клубов называется футбольной Лигой.

    3/ When the teams have scored the same number of goals we say its a draw. - Когда команды забивают одинаковое количество голов, говорят, что это ничья.

    4/ During the match each team tries to score as many goals as possible. - Во время матча каждая команда пытается забить как можно больше голов.

    5/ The beginning of the match is the kick off. - Матч начинается начальным ударом.

    6/ Europeans call American football as soccer. - Европейцы называют американский футбол soccer.

    7/ The leader of the teams is the captain. - Лидер команды - капитан.

    8/ Unfair moves are called fouls. - Нарушения называются фолами.

    9/ When a player breaks the rules the other team may get a free kick/penalty. - Когда игрок нарушает правила, другая команда может пробить штрафной, или пенальти.

    10/ A man who enforces the rules during a game is the referee. - Человек, который следит за выполнением правил во время игры - это судья.

    11/ A man in the goal is called a goalkeeper. - Человек в воротах называется вратарем.

    12/ When you play in a football team you are a footballer. - Когда вы играете в футбольной команде, вы футболист.

    13/ An instructor of the team is a coach. - Наставник команды - это тренер.

    14/ The players  of the other  team are the opponents. - Игроки разных команд называются противниками

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