
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от ir4es


Помогите, пожалуйста!

2 Write the verbs in brackets in the Past Perfect Simple or Past Perfect Continuous.

1          I couldn’t open the suitcase because I __ (lose) the key.

2          She had a good tan because she __ (sit) in the sun all morning.

3          Paula couldn’t use her debit card because she __ (forget) her PIN number.

4          We __ (wait) for over an hour before the repair truck arrived.

5          When the policeman asked for my ID card, I said I __ (leave) it in my hotel.

6          Their boots were dirty because they ___ (play) football all morning.

7          I couldn’t stop the car because the brakes __ (fail).

8          The garden was all white because it __ (snow) heavily all night.

9          She started to cry when I told her her dog __ (die).

10        I got to work late because I__ (wake up) late that morning.

4 Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple, the Past Continuous, the Past Perfect or the Past Perfect Continuous.

I (0) _____found____ (find) this story while I (1) ________________ (read) Spotlight the other day: ‘In 1986, a Canadian man (2) ________________ (rise) from the sofa where he (3) ________________ (fall) asleep, (4) ________________ (drive) 14 miles, (5) ________________ (kill) his mother-in-law and seriously (6) ________________ (injure) his father-in-law. He was charged with murder but acquitted when a court (7) ________________ (accept) his lawyer’s argument – and his physician’s evidence – that he (8) __________________________ (sleepwalk).’

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан choco1

    2) 1      I couldn’t open the suitcase because I had lost the key.

    2          She had a good tan because she had been sitting in the sun all morning.

    3          Paula couldn’t use her debit card because she had forgotten her PIN number.

    4          We had been waiting for over an hour before the repair truck arrived.

    5          When the policeman asked for my ID card, I said I had left it in my hotel.

    6          Their boots were dirty because they had been playing football all morning.

    7          I couldn’t stop the car because the brakes had failed.

    8          The garden was all white because it had been snowing heavily all night.

    9          She started to cry when I told her her dog had died.

    10        I got to work late because I had woken up late that morning.

    4) I found this story while I was reading Spotlight the other day: ‘In 1986, a Canadian man rose from the sofa where he had fallen asleep, drove 14 miles, killed his mother-in-law and seriously injured his father-in-law. He was charged with murder but acquitted when a court had accepted his lawyer’s argument – and his physician’s evidence – that he had been sleepwalking.’

  2. Ответ
    Ответ дан KeepDistance

    1 I couldn’t open the suitcase because I had lost the key.

    2 She had a good tan because she had been sitting in the sun all morning.

    3 Paula couldn’t use her debit card because she had forgotten her PIN number.

    4 We had been waiting for over an hour before the repair truck arrived.

    5 When the policeman asked for my ID card, I said I had left it in my hotel.

    6 Their boots were dirty because they had been playing football all morning.

    7 I couldn’t stop the car because the brakes had failed.

    8 The garden was all white because it had been snowing heavily all night.

    9 She started to cry when I told her her dog had died.

    10 I got to work late because I had woken up late that morning.


    I found this story while I was reading Spotlight the other day: ‘In 1986, a Canadian man rose from the sofa where he had fallen asleep, drove 14 miles, killed his mother-in-law and seriously injured his father-in-law. He was charged with murder but acquitted when a court accepted his lawyer’s argument – and his physician’s evidence – that he had been sleepwalking.’

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