
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от танка1234

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The Hermitage Museum (to be) one of the world's greatest art galleries.

The rich collection of the Hermitage (to attract) very many people every year. The must (to have) the largest collection of paintings by Impressionist artists. Among the most famous exhibits (to be) two madonnas by Leonardo da Vinci.

I (to be) to this museum and (to call on) the Director of the Hermitage. He (to say): "We (to have) over 2.500.000 exhibits If somebody (to want) to look for a minute at each exhibit in our 400 rooms it (to take) him 12 years to see all the exhibits."

I (to be) to this museum and (to call on) the Director of the Hermitage. He (to say): "We (to have) over 2.500.000 exhibits If somebody (to want) to look for a minute at each exhibit in our 400 rooms it (to take) him 12 years to see all the exhibits."

This is how we (to get) paintings by Rembrandt. Rubens and Van Dyck.

Our French impressionists (to come) from private collections.

After the Revolution part of the collection (to go) to the Pushkin Museum.

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан Natalirichi

    The Hermitage Museum is one of the world's greatest art galleries.

    The rich collection of the Hermitage attracts many people every year. The must has the largest collection of paintings by Impressionist artists. Among the most famous exhibits are two madonnas by Leonardo da Vinci.

    I have been to this museum and have called the Director of the Hermitage. He said: "We will have over 2.500.000 exhibits If somebody wants to look for a minute at each exhibit in our 400 rooms it has taken him 12 years to see all the exhibits."

    This is how we got paintings by Rembrandt. Rubens and Van Dyck.

    Our French impressionists came from private collections.

    After the Revolution part of the collection was gone to the Pushkin Museum.

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