Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от OrangeBook2000

Fill in: however, whenever,whichever,whatever,wherever. 1) ........... country she visit, Ann always buys a souvenir to take back home with her. 2)............ you do, don't forget to take a seaplane tour while you're in Sydney; you'll have an amazing time. 3) Annabel's puppy follows her ............... she goes. 4)............ busy you are, you can always find a little extra time to help out in your community. 5) Alex always visit Palermo ............ he's in italy

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан choco1

    1) whichever

    2) whatever

    3) wherever

    4) however

    5) whenever