
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от Timka3344

Какие предложения составить из слов:1) Rassia, do, celebrate, we, When, in, Christmas. 2) we, can, TV, a, watch, military, When, parade, on.3) there, Are, on, fireworks, the, Knowledge, of, Day. 4) do, What, leave, children, for, the, in, Father Christmas, kitchen. 5) ever, Have, a, you, card, got, Valentin's. 6) you, did, How, last, celebrate, your, birthday, year?

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан Natara1
    1. When do we celebrate Christmas in Russia? 
    2. When can we watch a military parade on TV?
    3. Are there fireworks on the Day of Knowledge? 
    4. What do children leave in the kitchen for Father Christmas? 
    5. Have you ever got a Valentin's card? 
    6. How did you celebrate your birthday last year?

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