
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от аминка57

Решите пожалуйста этот тест по английскому языку

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан amur14
    1. did done
    brought brought
    gave given
    had had
    said said
    saw seen
    was/were been
    built built
    wrote written
    read read

    2. l have already visited her mother
    we haven't written a letter
    he hasn' finished his work
    people have built that new school in this year
    have they learnet this poem yet?

    3. two hundred and forty three
    one hundred and fifty six
    eight hundred and ninety seven
    one thousand and six
    one thousand nine hundred and eighty seven
    two thousand and fourteen
    fifty six
    twenty four
    six hudred and seventy five
    eight hudred and twenty five

    4. I would like to change this world for best.

    The first telephone system opened in Moscow in 1882

    We have been knowing each other from 1980.

    People should help each other in difficult situations.

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