
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от Аккаунт удален

Present Simple:negative
Complete the second sentence with the negative from of the underlined verb.

1)I ((work) in a garage. i (dont work) in a supermarket.
2)Our dog (likes) the radio. It ______ television.
3)Veronica and Natasha (learn) Russian. They ________ French.
4)Caroline (lives) in a flat. She ________ with her family.
5)We (live) in Brighton. We _______ in Bristol.
6)He (works) in a bank. He_________ in a shop.
7)I (play) volleyball. I_____hockey.
8)WE (make) clothes in the factory. We _______ shoes.
9)He (listens) to the radio in the car. He _______to it in bed.
10)They (like) rock music. they _______jazz

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан loangel
    2) doesn't like; likes.
    3) don't learn; learn.
    4) doesn't live; lives.
    5) don't live; live.
    6) doesn't work; works.
    7) don't play; play.
    8) don't make; make.
    9) doesn't listen; listens.
    10) don't like. like.

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