
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от DeaDastan

1. How can I help you?
a) I want to buy a souvenir.
b) That’s a good idea.
2. What is the date today?
a) It’s Monday.
b) It’s 6th of October.
3. What do you think of this sitcom?
a) I don’t like them.
b) It’s boring. 4. How about Saturday evening?
a) I’m Ok.
b) I’m afraid I can’t.
5. Can I have the menu?
a) Here you are.
b) No, I’m on a diet.
6. Can I have your name, please?
a) Thank you, Mr Brown.
b) Yes, it’s Mr Brown.

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан Оксана20034
    c) bakery
    b) some
    c) doesn't
    c) never
    b) make
    a) are doing
    c) at
    b) can't
    a) cooker
    b) next to
    b) excuse
    a) has
    c) nationality
    b) sixth
    a) by
    b) brush
    b) exchange
    a) display
    b) about
    c) go
    c) board
    b) ago
    a) on
    c) park
    a) smaller
    a) seventy
    b) are watching
    b) mustn't
    b) her
    a) doesn't

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