Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от Larenia

нужен произведение на английском языке рок фестиваль в моем городе) (что это за группа из кого состоит, Сколько людей пришло на концерт, которая была атмосфера, звук, какую музыку исполняли, где проходил концер в центре города, мои впечатления)

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан Klare

    It was the best day of my life. I was in concert of my favourite rock band. The name of this band is Three Days Grace. There is four men in this band: Neil Sandersonws - drums, keyboards, backing vocals, Brad Uolst - bass guitar, backing vocals, Barry Stock - lead guitar and Matt Uolst - vocals. My favourite song is Last to know. This song is about unrequited love. There was so many people in concert! I can't show myself, how much people listen them in my town! And I was very happy to know about it. There was very friendly atmosphere. I met with several people.
    The concert was held in the square in the city center, and the sound was very good. I enjoyed with music. And I can say, that it was on of the best days in my life.