
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от 3glskddk

Read the list of words. Say what you like doing and what things you don't like going from the list.
Example: I like talking on mobile, but I don't like playing the piano.
Play football / tennis, dance, swim, take photographs, read books / magazine, go to the cinema / theatre, go shopping, go out with friends, chat with friends, listen to music, visit museums, send SMS, play the guitar / the piano, go sightseeing, play computer games, browse the internet

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан nunny
    I like talking on mobile, but I don't like playing the piano.
    I like playing football and tennis, dancing, swimming, taking photographs, going to the cinema / theatre, go shopping, going out with friends, chating with friends, listening to music, playing computer games, browsing the internet.
    I don't like reading books and magazines, going to the cinema, going to theatre, going shopping, visiting museums, sending SMS, playing the guitar and the piano, going sightseeing.

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