
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от AnastasiaUsova221

Choose the right words and complete the sentences.
This/These trousers is/are too long for me. That/Those gloves was/were not very warm.Where is/are my new pair of stockings?There was/were a pair of old scissors under the sofa. I don t like this/these pair of leggings. I saw a pair of bright blue eyes that was/were looking at me.

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан Natara1
    These trousers are too long for me. Those gloves were not very warm.Where is my new pair of stockings?There was a pair of old scissors under the sofa. I don t like this pair of leggings. I saw a pair of bright blue eyes that were looking at me.

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