
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от S1malysyaburuz

напишите пожалуйста вспомогательные слова к Презент Симпл, Паст Симпл, Презент Прогрессив, Паст Прогрессив, Фьюче Симпл.∞∞∞∞∞

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан Alizce
    Present Simple: Always, often, every(day, week, ...), sometimes, usually, seldom. Present Continuous:now, at the moment. Past Simple: yesterday, ... day ago, last day(week). Past Continuous:the whole day, at ... o'clock yesterday, all day long yesterday. Future Simple: Tomorrow, next(day, week, year).
  2. Ответ
    Ответ дан Juliette3530
    Present Simple - every day / week / month / year, usually, often, always, rarely, never, sometimes, in the morning / evening, afternoon, at night, on Mondays 
    Past Simple - yesterday, last week, 2 days ago, then, when, in 1967 

    Present Continuous - now, at the moment, nowadays, at present, still

    Past Continuous - while, when, as, at ... o`clock yesterday

    Future Simple - tomorrow, tonight, next day / week / month / year, in two / three days, the day after tomorrow, next time

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