
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от kalamurchik

Read the table. Use the prompts to ask and answer.
Am |
Are you/me/they reading
Is he/she/It
Помогите табличку сделать 5 класс

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан Juliette3530
    Am I reading? - Yes, I am. I am reading. / No, I am not . I am not reading.

    Are you reading? - Yes, you are. You are reading. / No, you are not . You are not reading.

    Are we reading? - 
    Yes, we are. We are reading. / No, we are not . We are not reading.

    Are they reading? - 
    Yes, they are. They are reading. / No, they are not . They are not reading.

    Is he reading? - 
    Yes, he is. He is reading. / No, he is not . He is not reading.

    Is she reading? - Yes, she is. She is reading. / No, she is not . She is not reading.

    Is it reading? - Yes, it is. It is reading. / No, it is not . It is not reading.

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