Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от lyusi1111s

Ребята помогите пожалуйста напишите предложение с этими словами по одному слову в предложении
A block of flats
a detached house
a caravan
a houseboat
a building
a storey
a floor
a room
a corridor
a kitchen
a bathroom
a living-room
a dining-room
a bedroom
a balcony
a bathtub
a shower
a sink
a tap
помогите пожалуйста нужны простые предложения с каждым словом 1 предложение(спасибо за то что помогли)

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан Alsu31102002
    My mother coоking in the kitchen now.

    We do repairs in the bathroom
    My parents bought a new picture in my room

    We need to clean our balcony

    Now I 'll wash the floor to please mum

    Dad built a pool for our detached house

    Camels bear a caravan

    We bought a houseboat

    On our street built a large building

    The grandmother said to go to the new store

    Dad fixed a tap

    Mom bought a new carpet in the corridor

    Tomorrow I 'm going to sleep in the living room

    Today we have dinner in the dining room

    We bought a new tile in the bathroom

    We have decorated the bathtub

    I go in the shower

    (Надеюсь перевод не нужен)

    Dad bought the sink in the kitchen
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