
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от Samkaran

Дам 84 балла,я вам клянусь.The voyage from britian to the USA İnteresting.

Laura:When are you going on a voyage?
Clare______________________İn July?
Сlare:Yes,my brother is going with me.
Laura:How many days are you going to spend at sea?
Clare:10 days.
Clare:What____________________________on board the ship?
Clare:İ think İ'll watch,films ,play tennis and feed seabirds.
Laura:Where______________________the voyage?
Clare:İn Southampton.
Laura:When____________________in New York?
Clare:On the Fourth of July.

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан cлюда
    Clare. I am going in July your brother going with you?
    Clare.what will you do on the board of
    the ship?
    Laura.where is the start of the voyarge?
    Laura.When will you be in New York?
    1. Ответ
      Ответ дан WaterBlack1337
      Laura: When are you going on a voyage?
      Clare: I am going in July
      Laura: is your brother going with you?
      Сlare: Yes,my brother is going with me.
      Laura: How many days are you going to spend at sea?
      Clare: 10 days.
      Clare: What will you do on board the ship?
      Clare: İ think İ'll watch,films ,play tennis and feed seabirds.
      Laura: Where is the start of the voyage?
      Clare: İn Southampton.
      Laura: When will you be in New York?
      Clare: On the Fourth of July.

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