
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от mishishinatany

Помогите!!! Circle the correct variant.
Обведи правильний варіант.
1 My sister waters / feeds the plants.
2 I clean/ wash the dishes in the kitchen.
3 There is a big bed in the bedroom / bathroom.
4 There are four rooms in our flat / hall.
5 A wardrobe is next to / under the sofa.
6 A mirror is between / above the sink.

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан nunny
    1 My sister waters the plants.
    2 I  wash the dishes in the kitchen.
    3 There is a big bed in the bedroom.
    4 There are four rooms in our flat.
    5 A wardrobe is next to the sofa.
    6 A mirror is above the sink.

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