
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от vvolkova

помогите сделать пожалуйста 1. Jill says the weather forecast for tomorrow (is, was) sunny, no rain. 2. They hoped their team (won't lose, wouldn't lose) the game. 3. Jill said the day (is, was) warm and sunny the day before. 4. He agrees he (doesn't know, didn't know) what the weather (will be, would be) like in October. 5. George said he (had already checked out, has already checked out) the books. 6. She knows we (will be busy, would be busy) tomorrow. 7. Peter has just said that he (has received, had received) letters from her recently. 8. Mr. Burton admitted it (is, was) the most exciting game he (has ever seen, had ever seen). 9. I thought they (are waiting, were waiting) for me in the entrance hall. 10. Tom told me he (is going, was going) to join basketball team. 11. We know/guess the Browns (are staying, were staying) with their friends in Boston. 12. I assure that your brother (has become, had become) a good teacher. 13. John told me that Mary's father (is, was) a man of wide experience. 14. The librarian reminded that I (have, had) to fill in those forms. 15. I think I (will finish, would finish) the translation on Monday if I (have, had) time. 16. I was sure that he (has left, had left) Manchester. 17. We hope he (will tell, would tell) her about it when he (sees, saw) her. 18. I thought she (knows, knew) that he (has taken, had taken) the first place in the chess tournament. 19. Jack says he (will take part, would take part) in this work. 20. Everybody knew they (will return, would return) in four days.

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан ksyushkamelesh
     1 is
    wouldn't lose
    didn't know /will be
    had already checked out
    will be busy
    had received
    8 was /
    had ever seen
    were waiting
    was going
    were staying
    has become
    13 was
    14 had
    15 will finish / have
    16 had left
    17 will tell/ sees
    18 knew / had taken
    19 will take part
    20 would return

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