
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от Villi2015

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Doctor:Would you like to come in?
Patient:Thank you.(He coughs.)
Doktor:That cough sounds really very bad.How long have you had it?
Patient:For about 2 weeks.But it's all right.
Doktor:I think i should listen to your chest and to your lungs.Take off your shirt

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан Frogitaric
    Doctor told to next patient:" Would you like to come in?"
    Patient coughed and said:"Thank you"
    "That cough sounds really very bad, - said Doctor. - How long have you had it?"
    Patient answer:"For about 2 weeks. But it's all right"
    Doctor said:"I think .... . ... your shirt"

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