
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от Ksex

заполните пропуски следующими обстоятельствами времени : never, already, for, ago, since, yet, at the moment, last, every day/always.
1)John has_ finished his homework, so his books are still on the table.
2) I havent seen Sarah _ 1989.
3) Have you _ finished eating?
4) She hasnt teped these letters_.
5) ann moved into her new house a month_.
6) You should practice your English_.
7)He _ spend a lot of money.
8) He is dancing with Mary_.
9) John has been working on Wall Street_ four years.
10) His sister is a stay-at-home. She _ goes out in the evening.

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан cлюда
    6every day
    7always spends
    1. Ответ
      Ответ дан Ksex
      спасибо вам огромное
    2. Ответ
      Ответ дан Ksex
      а вы мне с еще одним не поможете??
    3. Ответ
      Ответ дан Ksex
      Напишите мне пожалуйста  предложения в отрицательном и вопросительных формах:сс
      10He is prepering for his final examination
      2) She has chosen a dress for the perty
      3) They have already worked here for five years
    4. Ответ
      Ответ дан Ksex
      4) she will phone him later
      5) She find her work very interesting
      6) He left  the office tgree hours ago
      7) His sister had finished University by 2010
    5. Ответ
      Ответ дан cлюда
      1he isn't he preparing......?2she hasn't chosen......has she chosen..... ?3they haven't worked here for five years yet.have they worked ........... yet?4she won't phone.......will she phone.........?⅝does she find.........?she doesn't find..........6he didn't leave the office......did he leave the office.......?7his sister hadn't finished.......had his sister finished........?
  2. Ответ
    Ответ дан ГородскаяОхотница
    1. Already; 2. Since; 3. Yet (в конец предложения - "have you finished eating yet?") ; 4. Yet; 5. Ago; 6. Every day; 7. Always; 8. At the moment; 9. For; 10. Never.

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