
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от zmerega64

1. We _____ over Iceland. Please keep your seatbelts fastened.
A) currently fly
B) currently flies
C) are currently flying
D) currently are flying

2. I hate ______ spiders and any other insects that you find in the bath.
A) a
B) the
C) an
D) ----

3. I’d like ______ coffees, please.
A) a
B) three
C) -----
D) the

4. There is only clear sky … me.
A) on
B) above
C) of
D) at

5. The artist Picasso ______ in France for many years.
A) live
B) will live
C) lives
D) lived

6. Have you _______the Taj Mahal in India?
A) ever seen
B) before seen
C) seen ever
D) see

7. There hasn’t been a park here _______ 1999.
A) for
B) since
C) in
D) from

8. Let’s go hiking _____ the weekend
A) of
B) in
C) at
D) between

9. Please _____ the door.
A) open
B) you open
C) will open
D) opens

10. But I am terrible_______ tennis!
A) of
B) in
C) at
D) between

11. Put _______ glasses. The sun is very bright now.
A) up
B) out
C) upon
D) on

12. ______ gets the job, ___ get married next summer.
A) Tony … if he will
B) If Tony ... if we
C) If Tony … we’ll
D) If Tony … we’d

13. What do you want ______ this evening?
A) do
B) to do
C) does
D) done

14. _______ only question I have is how much I will be paid.
A) The
B) A
C) An
D) -

15. This ______ chest of drawers was my grandfather’s
A) beautiful, old, wooden
B) wooden, beautiful, old
C) old, wooden, beautiful
D) beautiful, wooden, old

Помогите, пожалуйста.

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан nunny
    1.C) are currently flying
    2. D) ----
    3. B) three
    4. B) above
    5. D) lived
    6. A) ever seen
    7. B) since
    8. C) at
    9. A) open
    10. C) at
    11. D) on the
    12. C) If Tony … we’ll
    13. B) to do
    14. A) The
    15. A) beautiful, old, wooden
    1. Ответ
      Ответ дан zmerega64
      в 12 задании, уточни правильный ответ
    2. Ответ
      Ответ дан zmerega64
      в 12 C или D?

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