
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от Proxodchik

3. They arrived ___ the airport on time.
A) -
B) in
C) to
D) at

4. A ___ wind is blowing.
A) stronger
B) strong
C) the strongest
D) small

5. Have you ever been ___ Scotland?
A) in
B) at
C) to
D) into

6. Didn’t you see the show ___ Sunday?
A) at
B) on
C) in
D) for

7. ___ Great Britain is the name of the largest island of the British Isles.
A) The
B) An
C) A
D) –

8. The capital of Scotland is ___.
A) Glasgow
B) Edinburgh
C) Cardiff
D) Mississippi

9. Which river is longer - … Volga or … Nile?
A) -; -
B) the; the
C) a; a
D) a; the

10. The Don often …“Father Don”.
A) is called
B) called
C) calling
D) has called

11. This coat … much.
A) isn’t wearing
B) isn’t worn
C) hasn’t worn
D) doesn’t wear

12. There are … state languages in Canada.
A) two
B) one
C) three
D) four

13. The capital of Canada is …
A) Quebec
B) Washington
C) Montreal
D) Ottawa

14. Lake Baikal is the … lake on the Earth.
A) widest
B) coldest
C) deepest
D) warmest

15. England is one of the … parts of the United Kingdom.
A) two
B) three
C) four
D) five

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан victoria8881
    3)B arrive всегда с in
    9) В основном водоемы всегда пишутся с The но в этом случае я не знаю
    1. Ответ
      Ответ дан victoria8881
      Тоесть Arrive никогда с To не употребляется
    2. Ответ
      Ответ дан victoria8881
      Arrive с in
  2. Ответ
    Ответ дан nunny
    3. D) at
    4. B) strong
    5. C) to
    6. B) on
    7. D) –
    8. B) Edinburgh
    9. B) the; the
    10. A) is often called
    11. B) isn’t worn
    12. A) two
    13. D) Ottawa
    14. C) deepest
    15. C) four
    1. Ответ
      Ответ дан nunny
      Это верные ответы.
    2. Ответ
      Ответ дан Proxodchik

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