
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от daryaleznina97

Помогите очень срочно. Фото нельзя .
I) if anyone attacked me, my dog ....(bite) him.
J) If it....(rain), I'll take my umbrella.
C) if someone gave you 1000000€ , what....(you/do)?
F) If she had given the book back to the library,she.....(not have) so many.
I)what a pity. We....(see) our grandparents if we.....(arrive)
J) someone .... (Catch) your handbag if you ...(leave) it on the table.
K) if you...(pass) your tast, I.... (Invitate) you a drink. I'm sure you will pass it.
L) if you ....(be ) rich, where...(you/like) to live?
Очень срочно

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан svetlankus
    I) if anyone attacked me, my dog would bite him. 
    J) If it rains, I'll take my umbrella.
    C) if someone gave you 1000000€ , what would you do? 
    F) If she had given the book back to the library,she wouldn't have had so many.  
    I) what a pity. We will see our grandparents if we arrive. 
    J) someone will catch your handbag if you leave it on the table.
    K) if you pass your tast, I will invitate you a drink. I'm sure you will pass it. 
    L) if you were rich, where would you like to live? 

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