
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от ДиМаСиК1999ЛуЧшИй

Составить5 предложений на prefer и 5 предложений на would prefer

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан svetlankus
    People have become lazy, preferring their favourite programmes to films.
    Some ​people prefer a ​vegetarian diet.
    Do you prefer hot or cold water?
    I prefer English to Chinese.
    Many people simply prefer the star and will choose it over the other symbols.

    I'd prefer not to ​discuss this issue.
    I'd prefer you not to ​smoke
    Would you prefer to ​pay by cash or credit card?
    I'd prefer not to ​work but I don't have much ​choice.
    I'd prefer to discuss the matter in private.

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