
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от jaba1

Make questions.

1) She likes ice-cream a lat. (General question)
2) Bill translated the text very well. (General question)
3) My aunt is adoctor. (Special question)
4) They saw a beatiful dress yesterday. (Special question)
5) We have got a pet. (Disjunctive questions)
6) I am a student. (Disjunctive questions)
7) Nick is my friend. (Alternative questions)
8) My uncle worked at the office. (Alternative questions)

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан AlexeyTerushov
    1.Does she like ice-cream a lat?
    2.Did Bill translate the text very well?
    3.Who is my aunt?
    4.What did they see yesterday?
    5.We have got a pet, haven't we?
    6.I am a student, aren't I?
    7.Is NIck my friend or co-worker?
    8.Did my uncle work at the office or was at home?

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