
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от Alenchik111

Дополните диалог, заполнив пропуски данными ниже выражениями:

Mr. Reed: Hello, Mr. Smirnov, This is Reed ___________.

Mr. Smirnov: Hello, Mr. Reed. Glad to hear you.

Mr. Reed: I’m sorry, I couldn’t call you back as soon as I received your message, as I had some

___________ in the test department. What can I do for you, Mr. Smirnov?

Mr. Smirnov: We have just received ___________ from your firm. As far as we can see you

___________ of pump. How does this model compare with the previous one?

Mr. Reed: You know, its capacity is higher, quality is excellent, it’s ___________.

Mr. Smirnov: That sounds fine. Will we be able to see ___________?

Mr. Reed: Why not? I’ll get in touch with the ___________ and find out when they are going

to test this model. I’ll do my best ___________ there.

Mr. Smirnov: Thank you, Mr. Reed. Good-bye.

Mr. Reed: Good-bye, Mr. Smirnov.

1. very reliable and easy in operation

2. test department

3. to arrange your visit there

4. have modified the latest model

5. urgent business

6. the tests of this model

7. some drawings

8. speaking

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан nunny
    Mr. Reed: Hello, Mr. Smirnov, This is Reed 8. speaking .
    Mr. Smirnov: Hello, Mr. Reed. Glad to hear you.
    Mr. Reed: I’m sorry, I couldn’t call you back as soon as I received your message, as I had some
    5. urgent business in the test department. What can I do for you, Mr. Smirnov?
    Mr. Smirnov: We have just received
    7. some drawings from your firm. As far as we can see you 4. have modified the latest model of pump. How does this model compare with the previous one?
    Mr. Reed: You know, its capacity is higher, quality is excellent, it’s
    1. very reliable and easy in operation.
    Mr. Smirnov: That sounds fine. Will we be able to see
    6. the tests of this model?
    Mr. Reed: Why not? I’ll get in touch with the
    2. test department and find out when they are going
    to test this model. I’ll do my best
    3. to arrange your visit there.
    Mr. Smirnov: Thank you, Mr. Reed. Good-bye.
    Mr. Reed: Good-bye, Mr. Smirnov.

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