
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от smileb

1)Choose the correct item:

You....finish that work today, you can do it tomorrow.
A) can't B) may C) needn't

2) rich. He always wears old clothes.
A) might B) can't C) should

3)If you finish early, to the theatre.
A) take B) will take) C) would take

4)I have two brothers. They are...tall.
A) all B) neither C) both

5)Would you mind....the cat out?
A)letting B)to let C) let

6) This is my.... bike?
A) mothers B) mothers' C) mother's

7) They have been driving...four hours.
A)since B) for C) ago

8) My parents have been married....twenty - five years.
A) for B) ago C) since

9) If you had looked carefully, you....the banana skin.
A)would see B) saw C) would have seen

10) Would you holidays photographs?
A) seeing B) to see C) see

11) She has been in Rome...1989.
A) since B) while C) for

12) a new pair of shoes.
A) must B) need C) ought

13) I can't see my bicycle ... .
A) nowhere B) anywhere C) somewhere

14) I didn't tell.....about it.
A) somebody B) nobody C) anybody

15) a new coat if I had enough money.
A) would B) am C) will

16) What would you do if you .... a million pounds?
A) win B) won C) will win

17) raining outside - I can see people with umbrellas.
A) must B)can C) need

18) I think I....go to my parents tonight.
A) will B)am going to C) would

19) I'm very again!
A)see B) seeilng C) to see

20) .... SImon and Richard like Mary.
A) All B) Neither C) Both

21) He's ill. He hasn't been to school....Tuesday.
A) ago B) since C) for

22) .....has stolen my purse!
A) Someone B) No C) Anyone

23) I think sunny tomorrow.
A) would B) will C) is

24) If he had arrived on time, we.... the film.
A) will see B) would see C) would have seen

25) We.... go shopping today if you don't want to.
A) needn't B) can't C) may

26) I'm hungry but there's .... in the fridge for me to eat!
A) nothing B) something C) anything

27) She's known me... a long time.
A) for B) since C) ago

28) I'll give it to him if he..... .
A) will come B) comes C) had come

29) There's no point.... her. She never helps anyone.
A) ask B) to ask C) asking

30) You drive a Mercedes, ....?
A) don't you B) didn't you C) do you

31) Look at the cat! It's cleaning....!
A) it B) its C) itself

32) If I knew his address, I ..... to him.
A) write B) will write C) would write

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан nika8may

    1 с

    2 b

    3 b

    4 c

    5 a

    6 c

    7 b

    8 a

    9 c

    10 b

    11 a

    12 a


    14 b

    15 c

    16 a

    17 a

    18 a

    19 c

    20 c

    21 b

    22 a

    23 b

    24 c

    25 a

    26 a

    27 a

    28 b

    29 b

    30 a

    31 c

    32 c

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