
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от Alenchik111


Напишите следующие предложения, используя время Present Perfect:

1) ………. the secretary (to come) yet?

2) I (to translate) this contract.

3) We (not to receive) any orders this week.

4) Our engineers and I (to visit) several plants recently.

5) He (not to finish) his work yet.

6) ………. (you/to check) e-mail today?

7) We (to conclude) 15 profitable contracts this year.

8) Janet (to visit) London twice.

9) I (to buy) the magazine in Oxford Street.

10) Who (to give) you this magazine?

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан CrazyKangaroo
    1) Has the secretary come yet?

    2) I have translated this contract.

    3) We have not received any orders this week.

    4) Our engineers and I have visited several plants recently.

    5) He has not  finished  his work yet.

    6) Have you checked e-mail today?

    7) We have concluded 15 profitable contracts this year.

    8) Janet has visited London twice.

    9) I have bought the magazine in Oxford Street.

    10) Who  has given  you this magazine?

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