
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от zaidulina

1. Put the parts of the paragraph in the correct order.
1) cats, dogs, horses, even cows! In spring they start to moult,
2) covered in dog hair or trying to rip off my beard because some cat hair got into it. My face goes very red and I have to scratch it all the time.
3) is that I am also allergic to all animals that have fur. That means
4) to change their fur. Everywhere I go now with my tissues I end up
5) Having hayfever is bad. What makes it worse

2. Put the lines of a dialogue in the correct order.
1) Seems fine to me, maybe you should drink less coffee.
2) Oh, there’s no need to be so bossy!
3) What’s the matter with this one?
4) We need a new mattress.
5) It’s not comfortable, I toss and turn all night.

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