
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от Alenchik111


Раскройте скобки, употребив Future Simple:

1) ………. (you/to have) time to discuss the matter in detail tomorrow?

2) He ………. (to show) you the shop if you ask him.

3) There … (not/to be) any lift in their new building.

4) ………. (there/to be) any meeting for the staff on November 1?

5) She … (to finish) her translation in 3 days.

6) They … (to start) working after they discuss the plan.


Составьте предложения:

1) I / may / your / take / offer?

2) present / can not / I / be / at / meeting / the

3) can / translate / help / I / you / this / to / letter.

4) director / instructions / of / follow / you / must / always / the / your.

5) you / on the desk / leave / documents / business / must not.

6) “in / I / come / may?” – “No / may / not / you”.

7) our / all / must / English / engineers / know / well.

8) you / all / letters / the / and / from / GML / can / show / me / offers?

9) a cup / offer / you / of / may / I / coffee?

10) must / we / go / not / office / to / the/ Sunday / on.


Письменно переведите диалог на русский язык и дайте ответы на вопросы:

- Continental Equipment. Can I help you?

- I would like to speak to Mr. Cartwright.

- Who is calling, please?

- This is Victor Klimenko, from TST Systems.

- Hold on, please. I’ll find out if he is in.

- Cartwright speaking.

- Hello, Mr. Cartwright. I am the new Sales Manager of TST Systems. I’d like to inform you that

we have studied your materials and decided to accept your offer.

- Thank you, Mr. Klimenko.

- I would like to come to Brighton and discuss with you the main points of the contract in detail.

- When are you going to come?

- On Wednesday, next week.

- That is fine.

- Goodbye, Mr. Cartwright. See you next week.

- Goodbye, Mr. Klimenko. Have a good trip!

1) What is Mr. Klimenko.

2) What did TST Systems decide?

3) When is Mr. Klimenko going to come to Brighton?

4) What is the purpose of his visit?

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан ЯнаЯна111
    1. Will you
    2. He will show
    3. There will not be
    4. Will be there
    5. She will finish
    6. They will start
    1. May l take your offer?
    2. l can't be at the meeting present.
    3. I can translate this letter to you
    4. You must always
    5. You must not leave business documents on the desk
    6. May I come in? - No, you must not
    7. All our engineers must know English well
    8. You can show me all letters and offers from the GML
    9. May I offer you a cup of coffee?
    10. We will not go to the office on Sunday

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