
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от natal4nkonadya

напишите письмо на английском языке что бы в этом письме было 100-120 слов

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан golikovtimur
    Hello Mike! 

    I'm happy that I got your letter! Exsuce me, that I haven't written you so long. I need to tell you a good news. Next summer I will go to France! My parents promised me that I'll see the Eiffel tower and Louvre! You know that it is my dreams. I have waited it so long time! I don't beleive that it is true!

    Have you visited France? Do you want to go with me? What do I need to buy
    in France for my parents? Tell me about it in your next letter,please.
    As for me I need to go now because I need helm my mother.  

    See you later!

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