
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от prostomilashka1

Помогите, очень надо!
Вот задание: put the words in the right order and make sentences.
2. plays/he/the/that/the/is/trumpet/man?
3. old/live/a/house/is/which/300 years/we/in
4. shop/that/postcards/there/is/a/sells?
5. overlooks/got/flat/that/the/she's/river/a
6. people/on/they/live/floor/are/the/ground/who/the?

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан sev1512
    2.Is he the man that plays the trumpet?
    3. We live in a house which is 300 years old.
    4. Is there a shop that sells postcards?
    5. The flat that she's got overlooks a river.
    6. Are they the people who live on the ground floor?

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